Windows Gaming on iMac/MacBook Pro?


Forgive me if this has been asked before, but I have searched the Web for a simple answer to this question and have yet to find it. So here it is:

How well does an intel iMac or Macbook Pro play HL2 and BF2 through a windows installation?

I currently own an iBook G4 and a Sony Vaio Desktop, using the iBook for most of my email, chats, and such. My Sony I use for gaming and engineering software. I'd like to get a desktop mac (or new laptop)to use more and then boot into windows when I need to. My concern, however, is that the highest model iMac won't play the games or run Autodesk as smoothly as I'd like it to. Would/Does the iMac/Macbook Pro run these well? Should I save up for a Mac Pro? Other suggestions?

Thanks for the help.
You can boot up XP natively with bootcamp. Then, you can run your games as fast as a "regular" windows machine with similar specs. Bootcamp is still in beta form, however, so backup regularly if you use it. Parallels desktop will run Windows on top of OS X, but will be slower because you are running two operating systems. Parallels would still be good for running Windows apps that don't demand too much power. If you can wait, Leopard ships in spring on all new macs, along with Bootcamp 1.0. You won't have to pay $127 to upgrade.. By then, the laptops will probably be faster, too.
I installed boot camp 1.1 beta on my mac book pro and then xp with sp2. After installing half life (original) i was able to start using it after a few crashes. I could save and reload the game for awhile but it now when I try to load a saved game the it crashes. The dialog for opening and saving games looks corrupted (garbage characters). Possibly I did not allocate enough space for the xp partition (10 gigs). Not sure what else could be going on. I may try use half life 2. someone suggested intsalling omega drivers for the graphics card.
No probs running BF2 (1.3 patch) on a 2ghz MBP with 2gb ram. 85fps under Fraps. Zboard hooks up to machine no problem as well