Windows media player

UPDATE: Have just installed Flip4Mac and if anything it's slower at opening than both WMP and QuickTime, Completely wondering if we're all on the same page here!
I need to check and see if it is native. I did download and install it a second time, I don't believe Quicktime came up under Rosetta. I'll check when i get home.

Once it loads, playback is fine, but i mean it's a nice wait.
Getting a weird error with the install for FLIP 4 MAC. The mpkg. is saying that I need quicktime version 6 or better to install and closes but I have quicktime 7.1 running on my comp! Any ideas?
You're trying to install the latest version?, What happens if you show the multi-install package's contents and run the two individual install packages separately?
Thanks for the tip! Opening the packages seperately allowed it to install. But some websites are still not displaying WMV content! Not sure why the flip4mac WMV package seems installed and working properly.

Any other ideas on how to circumvent MIME type errors for WMV files?
Sometimes, embedded WM content still will not load and requires opening manually in QuickTime. On my end, QuickTime opens when WM content is called for. Are you finding that your browser is able to display embedded WM?