Windows Messenger Live on bootcamp.


Hey all,

I have a new 20inch imac, ran bootcamp, installed windows on a few weeks ago. Haven't had any problems, everything running smoothly.

However tonight I decided to update my msn to Windows Messenger Live. (This is on Windows of course.)

Installed fine, but when I tried to run it, I got a Blue Screen of Death.

The iMac then automatically restarted, I booted back into windows, and as soon as Windows loaded I got a Blue Screen of Death instantly.

I think this is because Windows Live Messenger is starting up automatically with Windows.

Anyone else experience this? Or know why this is? Anything?



Same problem here. I'm using my MacBook Pro 15" and I also have the blue screen whenever I'm trying to log in. I had to restart my system and I found my Windows XP unbootable (it freezes at the Disk Check utility...). I managed to fix the unbootable problem using my Windows XP CD, but even after uninstalling the Live Messenger and reinstalling the old MSN messenger 7.5, whenever I was starting the program the sick blue screen appeared.

I've been reading about possible bugs in this version of the Messenger regarding memory dump. I am looking forward to a solution to it.

Same here. Just installed Windows on my MacBook Pro 17" today. Everything was running fine until I installed Windows Live Messenger. Once I tried to login, I received the BSoD and the MacBook rebooted itself. I then got a BSoD on boot up again. I wound up booting into Safe Mode and disabling Live Messenger from startup. Everything is working fine now. Anybody know if/when this is going to be fixed?
I am a "Switcher"... It doesn't surprise me that Windows Live Messenger or their care package may not work with Bootcamp... Microsoft doesn't have much respect for Apple... It never has... Why? Well I will rant in an opinion Post.
Hi there, also have 15" MacBook Pro running Windows XP using BootCamp.

I think the problem with Windows Live Messenger is related to the way it tries to use iSight cam. So until the driver has been updated/supplied I don't think the WLM will work.

My 2 cents.
WLM works for me perfectly thus far. The new drivers also fix the iSight camera dilemna they had before as well, I believe. It'd be nice to have the backlit keyboard though.
I have the same problem maybe even worse when I installed WLM on the newest bootcamp:

I have Installed the newest bootcamp 1.1.1 on my macbook, and installed windows live messenger. But when in normal use in xp, the system will halt immediately occasionally, which seems like the battery on my macbook removed instantly, And my macbook cames to black screen.
I've not had this problem with my Windows Live Messenger and running XP on bootcamp. It starts up immediately when I start Windows, and I've never had the blue screen of death (yet). I just installed XP on my 20" iMac the weekend before Thanksgiving. Maybe try to download the newest version of Messenger?