Windows Sharing / Creating a new Windows Shared Volume


I am trying to set up a second drive on my iMac to be used as a shared volume between both Mac users and Windows Users. However the problem is when Mac users log in the volume shows up the way it should, when Windows users log in they only see the users folder. How can a get an enitre volume to show up in Windows???

I am running 10.2.1 on an iMac with a Firewire HD as my startup and The second volume that I am trying to share is the internal iMac drive.

iMac F.P. 700Mhz 512/40GB + 60GB FW
client code page = 437
coding system = utf8
guest account = unknown
encrypt passwords = no
interfaces = en0
netbois name = Cust_Mac_01
workgroup = Workgroup
server string = Customer Files

writeable = Yes
path = 'Cust_Mac_01:/Volumes/Customer Data'

comment = User Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
create mode = 0750

; comment = All Printers
; browseable = yes
; printable = yes
; public = yes
; writable = no
; create mode = 0700

It doesn't work, why?

The path u typed has to be written in unix mode.
If u want to type a path like this:

/Volumes/My Folder

u hav to type:

/Volumes/My\ Folder

As in terminal, try to navigate your hd by using cd command.