Thanks! I was able to get rdesktop running on my Mac using the instructions provided in this thread. Be gone Virtual PC!
Except for some "broken pipe" errors when trying to connect - I simply "arrow up-return" a few times to get logged in - this program works marvelously well.
I'd like to contribute by giving my own installation history, which is a bit more documented than the previous post, so that the less technically inclined are able to get it done as well:
- downloaded Fink (
- followed the Quick Start instructions (4 points) on
- installed all the Gnome packages using dselect (170 MB!)
- installed Xfree86--rootless using dselect
- downloaded rdesktop 1.1.0 ( and expanded it using Stuffit Expander
- started a terminal window and moved into the rdesktop directory (nice terminal feature: type "cd " and drag the folder in the terminal window)
- adapted Makefile using BBEdit and REPLACED the parameters of the CFLAGS line by "--traditional-cpp" and saved the file
- adapted the rdesktop.c and xwin.c files as well (I've enclosed them in this message, remove the .txt extension after download an expand) and replaced the ones in the rdesktop folder
- then in terminal window I typed "./configure"
- then "sudo make"
- then "sudo make install"
- I then launched XDarwin by typing "startx -- -quartz -keymap USA.keymapping" and changed the keymapping option in XDarwin preferences once it had started to contact the USA keymapping
- then clicked in one of the xterm windows
- then typed rdesktop -a clientname SERVER.IP.ADDRESS
I left out all the stuff I did wrong...

I also installed OroborOSX - it is indeed much nicer than standard XDarwin.
Finally I am able to manage those Win2000 servers using my PowerBook.
Thanks again. This changes my life.