Windows XP Codenamed 'Longhorn'


The Mac Duck
This is absolutely SICK....

Goto and you'll be sick (well not literally)

effing Microsoft have STOLEN the complete concept of the original intuitive dock. The 'shelf' has a 'scale effect' for minimizing windows & copies other things from the dock. Personally I thing this is utterly DISGUSTING.

What about you lot.

P.S If your a windows user don't reply:)
One might say the Dock itself borrows heavily from the Windows Taskbar.

Yes, being able to run applications from the Dock is very NeXTish, but minimizing running applications into it is not. This is where the similarities of the Windows Taskbar come in. Something not found in the NeXT GUI.

You can also hold the mouse button down over the applications and be presented with specific options. Very Windows Taskbarish also. Something certainly not found in the NeXT GUI as well.

You can also place applications in the Windows Taskbar to launch and monitoring utilities as well. Much the same as the Dock in the form of Docklets or Dockapps in NeXT.

I like Windows 2000 Advanced Server and I like OS X.1.5. What can I say? Maybe the small similarities between the two draw me to both of them. I'm sure someone is just ready to flame me but remember, Apple "borrowed" from the Xerox Alto and when they tried to sue Microsoft for "borrowing" from them, they lost because of this.

I think it's safe to say nobody in the 20th century had a truly original idea.
Oh Good thanks StarfleetX. Does anyone like my Avatar?

Is there actually going to be Longhorn?
For anybody that has seen the Windows Longhorn movie, when the Document window comes nimating out of the shelf, doe sanybody know if Microsoft has a copyright or license on that animation?


OUCH!:mad: :mad:

Calm down Joe, calm down.

Please answer:cool: :p
Yes, there will be a Longhorn... Estimated Ship Date of 2004...

there is no "shelf" unless you count the thingy on the left

which that IS a real video screenshot since I have the video (and yes its sucky quality)

i don't like it... it gets in your way all the time (as it would seem) with all that MSN & other MS crap