Windowshade available in X


For all those that have cried and cried and said it couldn't happen, some I had rather lengthy arguments with they will remain nameless...

Here it is it has been done you can now have your windowshade back or as I wanted when you click minimize it hides instead :)

have fun
Unsanity makes great software, be sure to check out Mint Audio aswell. In my opinion, the only usable mp3 player for Mac OS X.
Allright! :)

  • It's poorly carbonized. It doesn't support long file names. Window resizing is Mac OS 9-style. Not a big deal perhaps, but stuff like this really bugs me.
  • It's a far to big application for just playing mp3's.
  • It uses to much cpu, on my iMac it takes 20-30% of the cpu. Mint uses about 5-15%. Mint isn't perfect either, Winamp on a friends 800 MHz Duron uses 1-2%.

Still, I use it, for ripping cd's. Not cause it's very good at it, because it's free.
by your own admission, but it just consumes too much processor and doesn't support long file names (which I too dislike).

For what it's worth, my iTunes doesnt go over 10% unless I'm ripping. In that case I certainly understand. :cool:
Originally posted by efoivx
For all those that have cried and cried and said it couldn't happen, some I had rather lengthy arguments with they will remain nameless...

Here it is it has been done you can now have your windowshade back or as I wanted when you click minimize it hides instead :)

have fun

Excellent preferencepane utility!! Someone should post it to