WinZip Equivalent


Increasingly, I've been running across the need to open a zipped archive without necessarily extracting it. I just want to inspect the contents. With WinZip, ZipGenius, etc. I'm able to do that on my Windows machines, but I can't seem to find something like that for OS X. I hope I'm just looking in the wrong places.

Can anyone suggest such a utility? Free is preferrable, of course, but I'm willing to pay for a good one with a decent feature set.

The standard on Mac is the Stuffit suite - you can buy Stuffit Deluxe 11 for mac as a digital download for $79.99 from here.Else you can browse the freeware/shareware zip utilites here.
Thanks for the link. I've tried one or two alternatives from MacUpdate, but they didn't offer the inspection capability. I also read feeds from MacUpdate and VersionTracker, but haven't seen anything else. From your link, though, it looks like BetterZip might be a winner.

Thanks again.
The built-in compression capability of the OS is quite nice. Right-click (control+click) and send to archiuve is a great FREE way to create zip files, and it even unzips.
I do like the compression capability and love the ability to compress from a right-click, but I want the ability to inspect an existing archive without extracting it. The built-in tool just doesn't do that, as far as I can tell.