Wireless Internet Connection


Hi there.

I'm only computer literate at a very basic level.

I'm trying to get a wireless internet connection on my mac os 10.3.9 powerbook laptop, via a PC with Windows XP. The PC is linked via a cable to a 'USB ADSL' modem.

I've managed to get the computers 'paired' through Bluetooth, but I don't know what to do next.

Am I going to be able to do this without buying an airport card + base, and if so, what are the next steps?

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,

First of all, forget about Bluetooth. Bluetooth is not used for networking computers, as its simply too slow for that. BlueTooth is designed for supporting peripherals like phones, keyboards, mice, headsets, speakers, and so on. Yes, you can pair two computers with BlueTooth, and can use it as a casual way to send a small file or two back and forth, but it is nowhere near fast enough for any more than that.

If the PowerBook does not have an Airport card already, you will need to get one installed. Same goes for the PC - you will need to have a wireless card installed. Without wireless cards, the computers won't be able to use wireless networks. Its as simple as that.