Wireless problems/ iBook G4


I am new to networking, router is Linksys WRT 45G, updated firmware when I purchased. I am also new to the Apple world with an iBook G4. I have been without success trying to access the internet securely and have been running into a brick wall. As long as the security settings are disabled, I can see my router's SSID (broadcasting-enabled) fine. The trouble starts when I attempt to configure the wireless security settings. I can choose WEP, 128 hex...26 characters for the key, chose a passphrase (letters & numbers) when I go to the iBook to connect to the internet and it asks for my password I noticed the wireless icon shows nothing and nothing I do with inserting the key 1 for the password works. I've been sitting in the same room as the router and nada. I've tried WPA Personal, back to WEP--3 hours this afternoon and I've about no hair left to pull. Maybe it's the settings on the iBook, maybe it's the desktop...???? I have no clue at this point. I thought I was following as much information as I have read to the letter but obviously since nothing is working I know I'm doing something wrong. I'm not getting any pleasure out of this iBook and am about ready to throw the router into the ocean. Is there anyone who can help me? I had chosen to go with Apple because of the headaches and all I've had with a Windows system...so I would sure appreciate any advice :)
First off, Linksys & DLINK are about as low as you can go in quality. If you don't want to spend the money on Airport Express or Extreme, go for a NetGear!

Now to get to your problem: WPA is more secure than WEP. In your settings on the router, there's probably a setting for "Enable SSID Broadcast" and it controls whether or not your wireless network is "visible" in the Airport menu on your computer. If it's visible or not doesn't really matter. Go to the Airport menu on your computer and choose "Other...", whether you see the Linksys listed or not. Then enter the appropriate security setting and password.
Just a little side note: when entering the password, you cannot enter the "Passphrase". You have to enter the WHOLE 26 (or about) digit key that is generated from the passphrase. I couldn't tell if you were doing this or not from your post.. if you aren't, it could fix your problem.
Just thought I'd add my tuppence worth to this thread...don't listen to what 'macworks' has to say..!! I've been installing & using wireless networks for a good few years now and while it's true that Linksys & D-Link are not exactly at the top of the tree I would heartily disagree that they are 'as low as you can go in quality'..!! I know plenty of fellow Mac users who have a wide experience of these brands and they along with myself would have no hesitation recommending them to anyone setting up a home wireless network. They are both reputable brands.
infinite-loop...I do appreciate your reply, it's fine...I like "challenges" but not where I've reached a dead-end, it's totally frustrating. The router was recommended by the person helping me choose one at Office Max. I did as much research on the internet prior to buying as much as I could...but being a novice I'd go with whatever the employee had recommended at the time. It took me way too long with tech support from my ISP first to get on the internet with my desktop PC in the first place, that I really didn't want the hassle of taking back this router until I exhausted all possiblities.

eric2006...I did just as you say even so far as entering the $ preceeding the hex digits..nothing was working. And I appreciate your help as well, now the good news is I've just been able to connect with macworks reply! I still don't know why it worked with "other" but I'm a happy camper. Now...is there a way I can save this configuration or need I input the "other" and passes all the time?