"wishing for a Linux PDA ?"

heh I doubt we'll see much between apple and the linux croud. Although BSD is certainly possable.

Ever heard of the Agenda PDA? Its fully linux. And there's even an office-like app out for it.

Check it out at http://www.agendacomputing.com

Man.. I want one!

Get a job kilowatt!!! Get a freakin' job!
"Get a job kilowatt!!! Get a freakin' job!"

I do not have a job either. I love it... and I hate it.
On one hand, we can stay up untill 4am posting to a website about our lack of jobs.

On the other hand, being jobless is just that - no stuff from Jobs :p Well I do have a quicksilver. but if I had a job, every month I could buy some cool accessory for it or something.

I feel I live with little purpose, with no schedual and all. But I know I'll get one sooner or later. Heck, a weeks pay could easily buy me a linux pda.

dude... the posabilties
heh yeah right!

I wish.. well really I don't.

I can't live in my parent's basement for ever!

Hey killowatt...how faithful are you to the "cause" ? I am trying to recruit IMF agent for training ;)
Originally posted by deez_nuts
You know all you have to do is ask mommy and daddy for some dough to take your girl to the movies and they will gladlt fork it over.

oh yeah... ahahahhahaahaaaah

Once again out of perspective. I don't like living here either. I can't wait to get my own place.

AdmiralAK: whats imf? sounds cool.
you dont know what IMF is ?! :eek:

go to www.missionimpossible.com and find out hehehe :)

I love living at home. Almost all expenses are paid :p -- also have my parents for company (since I did not grow up with them they are more like older brother and older sister than parents lol -- so it's different hehe)

Originally posted by deez_nuts
What about the part where you said you dont want that? You say the gate is open for you to explore but you never get more than a finger into what is the glory-esness that is Kaylee. EH?

I never said I didn't want that. What I meant is that she... why the frick am I telling you, and everyone else this? This is personal shit that only Kaylee and myself should know. Go play with yourself.!
Originally posted by deez_nuts
What about the part where you said you dont want that? You say the gate is open for you to explore but you never get more than a finger into what is the glory-esness that is Kaylee. EH?

there are not too many things you can put into the "glory-esness" is there?
Originally posted by deez_nuts
Why do you waste your time typing a post about the obvious. Lord you are stupid.

Why do you waste your time typing a post about the obvious. Lord you are stupid.