WiTunes and importing tracks


ill never 4get watsisname
Hey everyone,

First off this is a winXP - itunes problem, but i hope someone here can help.

a friend of mine is trying to import all of his tracks in from real juke box. Some tracks come in with track-artist-album id3 tag info but most don't (we are talking about 2000 songs here - so dont tell me to just re-enter the info!). They all have id3 tags, and in windows explorer you can view all the details, when you open the tracks in win Media player all the track info is there.

It seems WiTunes has a problem somewhere, Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any ideas on how to make WiTunes recognise the id3 tags?

I would quite like to get this sorted out for him!!

nope, no track info is there. and to make the matter a little worse itunes has reorganised the library so now he has a 8Gb folder of unknown artist unknown album!

Im gonna try and import them into my itunes on my mac, update the id3 tags and try again.
Originally posted by profx
nope, no track info is there. and to make the matter a little worse itunes has reorganised the library so now he has a 8Gb folder of unknown artist unknown album!
If he has WMP9 on his PC and it can read the ID3 Tags he could reorganize the Library by going to Options -> Media Library and check the option for Reorganize Library (Don't know the exact wording cause I am on a German system)
yeah but that wont help cause he wants to use itunes - and itunes wont read the id3 track names...

im gonna import his collection on to my mac and update the id3 tag versions, hopefully that will solve the problem!

thanks for the suggestions!
well, mac itunes wouldn't recognise his tracks either. I downloaded MP3 Rage (brilliant s'ware) and discovered that the tracks seemed to have two versions of the id3 tags. 1.1 and 2.3.

I stripped out the 1.1 tags and hey presto it worked!!

One very happy WiTunes user!
So i think the problem was real jukebox adding two versions of the id3 tag.

Hope this helps some one else!