WMP for Mac OS X



my ISP is providing a video on demand feature and the requirements are Explorer/Netscape, Flash Player and Windows Media Player 7.1. On PC. Not for Mac or Linux. The question is; is the functionality equal on the Mac version of the WMP compared to the PC version? I mean I have
Netscape/Explorer, Flash and WMP 7.1.3, and still the Mac platform is not supported of some reason.
My ISP also claims that WMP for Mac doesn't support streams bigger than 700 kbit. Could it be so and is that the reason then?
You know, I didn't think that WMP for Mac supported streams at all. I guess I don't have the latest version or something. Anyway, it all depends on exactly what your ISP is doing. If they are streaming it through a regular format (.mpg, .avi, etc), then it would be possible to stream it through Quicktime, or RealOne Player (with no limit). However, if they are using a WMP-only format (.wmv, .asf, etc) then it would only be playable through WMP. Try streaming it for yourself anyway and seeing what happens.