Word document and Power Point


Does tiger have a word document type software as well as a power point ?
is it automatically installed with tiger? if so , what is it called and where can i find it?
I want see if i can make documents like in the pc world of microsoft word
and i want to do a powerpoint presentation...
You can pick up office for Macinstosh very cool- seamless operation. My wife uses it all the time with correspondence with realtors..... but PowerPoint is not there....There is KeyNote by Apple..very cool!
Nope..as with all things Microsoft, you must purchase them. and I was mistaken, Powerpoint is a part of Office for Mac 2004.
Yes, keynote is like powerpoint. It is part of apples iWork suite, which also inlcudes pages. I would recommend having microsoft office (about 300 dollars) or some around the lines of open office (free!) or ThinkFree office (40 dollars). Because iWork only consists keynote (powerpoint type app) and pages. Keynote is absolutly fantastic but Pages is a weird layout/word processor. Its like the teenager that dosn't kno what it wants to do so it is akward for word processing and is pretty good for quick layout jobs.

brian g
ajmax said:
Does tiger have a word document type software as well as a power point ?
No presentation software comes with OS X (Tiger). TextEdit is automatically installed with OS X, and it is a light weight word processor/text editor that can open Word documents, but you wouldn't really use it for anything beyond a simple letter or a simple paper for school.

Apple offers Pages as its full-featured word processor. They also offer Keynote as their presentation software. Both are part of the commercial iWork package:

If you want to run Word and PowerPoint, both are available for the Macintosh as part of the commercial program Office 2004: