Word in os9 under X


Hi Os9 starts up fine but when i try to open a word doc the program starts, icon appears in the dock and then disappears again, leaving os9 open. Same for excel and powerpoint. Graphic converter has no problems

Any ideas what goes wrong


I've been able to use all of the Office 98 applications so far.

You might try pruning down the extensions/control panels you have enabled to the bare minimum to reduce the chance of any conflicts with the Classic environment.

When the Word icon disappars from the Dock, does the Classic icon disappear also?
Hi thanks for your response. The os9 icon stays on and other os9 programs start ok. When i run under os9 directly with the same set of extentions, office works fine. I will try to use base os9 extentions only see what happens


If you haven't already, update Office 98 with the Combined Office98 Updater (http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/office/98/updates/office98_combined_updater/default.asp).

This worked for me, and got Word running properly.
I have had this problem with Excel 98. I will launch it and just as it gets to the empty spreadsheet it quits, leaving the Classic environment open. However, all I have to do is start Excel again and it is fine. I am totally up-to-date on my Office updates.