Word Processing (Full Featured)


Is there anything out there besides Appleworks?
Does anybody know of something coming that has equivalent power to MS Word, or WordPerfect? Or better. This is the only application that seems to be lacking in Mac OS X right now for me.
Personally, I'd like to move out of OS 9x. I find that running 9x apps under os X is rather 'risky'. I experience too many crashes of those apps.
I have not found one...Waiting for MS Office, rumored to be available as early as July.

Originally posted by marks
Is there anything out there besides Appleworks?
Does anybody know of something coming that has equivalent power to MS Word, or WordPerfect? Or better. This is the only application that seems to be lacking in Mac OS X right now for me.
Personally, I'd like to move out of OS 9x. I find that running 9x apps under os X is rather 'risky'. I experience too many crashes of those apps.
actually if you install os 9.2, you will find almost all application under 9.x can be run under osx classic mode.
I'm waiting for WriteUp and PasteUp from Anderson Financial Systems (see: http://www.afstrade.com/ ). They released beta versions ported from NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP to Rhapsody/Server, but stopped all work on them after Apple dropped planes for the Client version of Rhapsody. They seem to be in a holding pattern while they figure out if porting and releasing them for Mac OS X would be worth the effort (burned once, twice shy type of thing I guess).

On a side note, a cool article talks about how you could link together a number of shareware/freeware type Cocoa apps to create a full featured app (see: http://www.macopz.com/columns/mikes/cocoa.html ). Sorta like the spell checker for Cocoa apps now.
In reference to os 9.2, there is a beta (or final?) out available on some carracho and maybe hotline servers. I figured it was a joke, but I guess it's a real macos 9.2 :eek:
Hmm. I've found only a handful of articles (in Japanese and maybe Russian) about OS 9.2, and I can't find it anywhere to download. I guess it's not final! What's up with that?

I'm partly answering my own question here, but I thought people in this group would be interested.

I'm interested in any progress in the WP domain and this needs porting help:
It appears to be the next generation of Star Office. There is an OS X port of this in development.

Originally posted by jdog
9.2 is not final, the last I heard it was in its 3d release canidate stage.



I know it is not a final. but the beta version is still go enough to run your program.

someone suggests to use staroffice(openoffice). it is ok. but if I am right, applework is better than openoffice. furthermore, the openoffice documentation doesn't give full port for os x yet. based on our programming tech, we can't port it by ourself. if can, I think you can develope your own office now,of course if you only develop the word processing application.
I used to use StarOffice on my Linux machine, and in my opinion it kiccks the crap out of AppleWorks... First you can save as M$ files, ITS FREEEEEEEE, and a complete officce suite. If OpenOffice come to OSX I would suggest using that OVER MS Office, first it is open source which means you can expect updates not taking two years to come around, also giving feedback won't mean your messages will be lost in a black hole, also it will push MS to innovate and not staggnate!:o
If Corel was smart they'd port Wp2000 to X. Beats the crap out of word, at least in windows.
Hopefully Xpress will end up carbonized soon too. I like that program.
The way Quark takes it's time to put out new software it might be 2005 before you see Quark for X if ever.
LOL I used to sell it :P
The return policy for it is insane lol.
Before you buy if you have to sign some soft of contract ha ha ha :D
Nisus is being ported to OS X.

I wasn't impressed with StarOffice. I don't have much hope for that project even if they build an app that works 100%...similar to the Mozilla project.
i thought there was an update for apple works that let you save as ms word and other word documents and also rtf... ever since apple released it for windoze...:confused: