Wordperfect: how the hell


a.k.a. dundee
Anybody know how to open Wordperfect files without wordperfect? I got Office X and Appleworks 6. Doesn't work. Anybody know a good file converter X app?

Appleworks 6 can't open it? I know that Appleworks has an option to save as wordperfect and I think that it can read .doc files, so i guess this would make little sense if true.:confused:
yeah well the extension on the document is .wpd ....

Old versions of Appleworks could read old versions of Wordperfect, now it only word.

Open your files back into WordPerfect and resave them as RTF files. Then you can open them up in TextEdit, AppleWorks, and M$ Office.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
Open your files back into WordPerfect and resave them as RTF files. Then you can open them up in TextEdit, AppleWorks, and M$ Office.
I think you missed a crucial part: "open Wordperfect files without wordperfect" ;)
I've noticed flaky behaviour with current AppleWorks...

My problem was with .doc files. I had to rename the files twice - first I removed the extension then retyped it in as .doc (don't ask me why, I was desparate). After that it worked fine but I couldn't open the files using "open" from the file menu. I had to double click the actual .doc file (dragging the file over the appleworks icon in the dock didn't work either).:confused:

Give it a shot.
Ya, I've experienced that also. I can open doc files by double click, but not by File->Open. Weird.
Yeah, the currrent Apple Works has issues with some doc files. I think it has something to do with the .doc extention getting chopped off on long file names since it's a carbon port, but if you double click them it opens fine usually.
I think you're right. I loooked at the files which caused probelms for me and the .doc was cut off. maybe that's why retyping the extension helped.