Workflows Keep Coming Back


I have a Mac Book Pro running the latest OS (Version 10.4.8) and I created a workflow using Automator. I made it into a finder plugin and now I want to get rid of it. I tried deleting it and it keeps coming back! It is located at /Users/MyName/Library/Workflows/Applications/Finder/[Workflow name]. How do I get rid of it for good?

Thanks for your time
~Jimmy Doan
01. Open the folder '/Users/MyName/Library/Workflows/Applications/Finder/'.
02. Launch (open, run) 'Terminal' (in the '/Applications/Utilities/' folder), placing the 'Terminal' window to one side of the opened folder window (of Step 01.).
03. Enter ...

rm -rf

... pressing the 'spacebar' (to place a 'space' after 'rf').
04. Drag the '[Workflow name]' file (from the folder of Step 01.) onto the 'Terminal' window.
05. Click on the 'Terminal' window.
06. Press the '<return> key.
I didnt know that my questions would end up on the message boards. Well I tried it, I dont know if it works yet (I'll post back in a few days) Thanks for your time