Workgroup manager and loginhook


I am running os x 10.5 on my mac server and mac clients. I have made a very simple shell script to run at login. I have made the script excutable and put it in the preferences/login of a computer group in Workgroup Manager.

mkdir /Users/${username}/Desktop/NetDrive/
mount_smbfs //{username}:password@server/share /Users/${username}/Desktop/NetDrive/

So basically I am just creating a folder and then mapping a drive and putting drive in the folder.

The problem I am running into is when i run these commmands:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ EnableMCXLoginScripts -bool TRUE

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ MCXScriptTrust -string FullTrust

rm -rf /Library/Managed\ Preferences/*

I login and in the console on the client i get an error in the believe this file is created after the above commands are run) that says Skipping scripts becaseu directory noe "/LDAPv3/servername" trust level is less than "FullTrust".

First question is... am I doing the right steps to make the loginscripts work?

Second question... how do I get the server to "FullTrust"

Third... WHY ISN'T WORKING???? :p