World of Warcraft


I was playing world of warcraft the other day as usual but I notice that the game is always lagging up.
I checked my Frame Rate and it turns out its running at around 10. a second.
Does anyone have any tips or anything that I can do to get the frame rate higher?
My comp is a Imac G5
GeForce FX 5200 3d card
Is there any new drivers to download for my 3d card or something?
Thanks for the hlp in Advance ;)
Hm, you could get more RAM.

You could also turn down details in one way or another to gain some frames.

All I could think of, as I do not really play WoW
Ummmm, It might be the ram but the details are turned down low and its still low frame rates.
Could it be the actual monitor or something?
I was told to get some new drivers for the GeForce FX 5200 graphics card.
I have no idea where to get it soo I looked in google and I couldnt find any lol.
If anyone knows please tell me thanks
darko_ said:
I was told to get some new drivers for the GeForce FX 5200 graphics card.
I have no idea where to get it soo I looked in google and I couldnt find any lol.
If anyone knows please tell me thanks

Unlike ATI, nVidia does not provide a single driver download for their cards. ATI proivides seperate driver downloads from time to time, but you get the newest nVidia drivers only with the OS X updates. Means: If you have the latest version of OS X installed, you have the latest drivers for your card. If not, not.
Then I dont know how to get my frame rate up. I mean I have easily enough a good computer to run WoW.
Make sure your ping isn't high... that might be causing it (although I doubt it).. open Terminal and type "ping" and if it's over 100ms then it's bad...
lol my latency is like 500 or so.
But my older bro with a PC playing exactly the same time his frame rate is 40 .
Then mines like under ten, and even my friend who plays WoW on the same kinda comp a G5 plays it with a 40 frame rate.
Well, it was running faster at one point in time.
How do I put a certain program such as WoW to a high priority such as
I want more ram to be put into WoW then into storing it and not using it.
My teacher in IT was saying that I would have to fix it up for it would work better like that.
I need some help if anyone who knows what their talking about can help I would apreciatte it so much.
Thanks alot in advance.
Under OS X, unlike OS 9, you can not tell the system how much RAM it should keep for a specific application. OS X organizes the RAM much more dynamic than OS 9 did, so basically every application should get the best possible share of both CPU time and RAM.

If you want the maximum amount of CPU share and RAM for WoW, make sure you run no other applications while playing. Basically WoW can eat up RAM and CPU time like a maniac, until nothing is left for the takin' ;)
OK thanks but there has to be a reson come down to it since im running my comp at above recommeded and required for the ggame to run and its soooo annoying.
I dont know whats going on with it :'(
Well, regarding specs provided by Blizzard, your just on specs with your 512 MB RAM:

Blizzard said:
Mac® System OS X 10.3.5 OS:

* 933 MHz or higher G4 or G5 processor
* 512 MB RAM or higher; DDR RAM recommended
* ATI or NVIDIA video hardware with 32 MB VRAM or more
* 5 GB or more of available hard drive space
* MacOS X 10.3.5 or newer
* 56k or higher modem with an Internet connection
Also I just got my screen replaced in my Imac G5 would they have damaged something that would do this?
I have turned all the video settings and such down and the FPS (frame Rate Per-Second) has gone up 10-20.
When I first logged it was up to 30 and went down straight away loike 2 secs after logging. It also still goes uner 5 FPS when im near other people.
I rang up my Apple store near me and they said they can check it out so I am gonna see if I can watch them test it all.
If I can see whats going on I can give them a better understanding of whats going on since they dont know much. It is rather weird since I am runnning the recommended specs for WoW.
I will try reinstalling the game again but, I hope its something that I can get fixed soon since this is rather annoying.
I appreciate everyone who helped me, thanks.
But if there are anyone who know what I could do I would appreciate it.
Go for 800x600. The nVidia fx5200 is a very bad graphics chip, and I highly doubt that it is capable of running WoW at 1024x768.