Even if he did kill himself because something bad happened in the game, it would be crazy to put warning labels for addiction on games. These people cannot realize that there are two types of addiction: Chemical addiction, like drugs or alcohol or cigarettes, and substance that you get addicted to and it is hard to stop, and 'Fun' addiction, things like TV and Video Games, where something is so fun or entertaining that you want to keep doing it. There is no scientific reason why you can't stop, you just don't want to. They're making a big deal out of this because it is a videogame. What about TV, the largest worldwide (Fun) addiction, or people who play sports all the time. Everquest is no more addictive than another fun activity like TV or sports, and far less addictive than things like alcohol and caffene, things which do not say that they are addictive (correct me if im wrong)