Would apple have been a great competitor if it had bailed on PPC?

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No I have not, that was meant for desktops, and you know that.

Secondly, I already made a comparison for a dell laptop and apple one. The dell had better hardware, more features, bigger screen , doesnt heat up and alot cheaper.

If you going to argue Dell is less cost effective than Apple, that is simply ridiculous. That would make Apple Steve the 10th richest man in the world rather than dell. But that is not the case, now is it?
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
Secondly, I already made a comparison for a dell laptop and apple one. The dell had better hardware, more features, bigger screen , doesnt heat up and alot cheaper.

Weak arguments there Manic.

Besides, as I recall Dell was the maker of the laptop that burned some guy. Not Apple, not IBM, not Gateway, not Sony... it was a Dell!

You're a fan of the Register, how did you miss that one?
Weak argument? Talk about weak counter argument.

At least I made a comparison of the two, while you brought out an isolated case that has nothing to do with price-performance ratio, which was the whole point of my argument.

Unless you telling me Apple laptops never have bad lemons amongst them? I dare you to say that :D
What counter argument? I wouldn't argue with you. I'm still waiting to see how soon they kick you out. I don't want to be accused of baiting you.

You said Dell's don't heat up, yes they do (very hot from what I've heard).

As for a comparison, Consumer Reports rated Apple's laptops above Dell's in quality and dependability.

Don't you and your boy friend usually go to bed earlier then this? How's that foot problem he was having. He isn't still sticking his feet in your face, is he? That was pretty gross!
Show me this consumer report..

"you said Dell's don't heat up, yes they do (very hot from what I've heard). "

How would you know? Do you own a dell? No

I do, and Pentium M based laptops dont heat up... Most they become luke warm.

While I read many reviews of the 12 inch powermac laptop, heating so much that you cant leave it on your lap.

Its basic physics, Aluminum with a G4 dont mix.

And you still avoiding my main argument of price-performance ratio of dells being better than apples.
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
Show me this consumer report..

No one is stopping you from looking it up.

How would you know? Do you own a dell? No

You're right, I don't. I wouldn't waste my money. I do have both a PowerBook and a ThinkPad though. Both are great systems.

I do, and Pentium M based laptops dont heat up... Most they become luke warm.

Lets not bring performance into this. ;)

While I read many reviews of the 12 inch powermac laptop, heating so much that you cant leave it on your lap.

Which means you have as much experience with PowerBooks as I have with Dell laptops. Which means you have nothing to add on this subject.
You made the statement, why should I look this magical report up...

Secondly, what does heat have to do with performance? You dont make sense.

No you don't have as much experience, because you would know Dell pentium M type laptops dont heat up as much as powermacs do.

Face it, you simply didn't make any valid argument... Stop humiliating yourself.
Originally posted by OSX-Devlinite
You made the statement, why should I look this magical report up...

You show the review of the PowerBook and I'll look up the Consumer Report.

No you don't have as much experience, because you would know Dell pentium M type laptops dont heat up as much as powermacs do.

But you don't know anything about PowerBooks (not powermacs), at least no more than I know about Dells.

Face it, you simply didn't make any valid argument... Stop humiliating yourself.

Are you getting mad? We wouldn't want that to happen.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Manic. I know how emotionally high strung you are. Please don't take my comments personally.
Y'know, for me, it's OS first, computer second when deciding to buy. I would never, ever buy a Windows box if I didn't absolutely have to, so I really couldn't care less if AMD has faster hardware than Apple or not—I just care about how Apple's doing. Therefore, for me it comes down to how much better one Mac is over another. Believe me, if I could run OS X on a fast 5.6 Ghz Pentium 5 with 16 GB of RAM and 30 TB (that's terabytes) of hard drive space, I would; with Windows, I would ignore it.
Yes, isn't that what always mac fanatics do... They fail to defend an argument in the hardware side, they quickly jump to another topic, like hmmm OS preference.

The problem with this argument is...

1. No one cares what you prefer as an OS.
2. The issue was on a hardware comparison.
I care what I prefer as an OS, since it will influence every computer buying decision I ever make. So :p

I really don't care what the comparison was, since Wintel hardware is unimportant to me. So double :p
OSX-Devlinite we are Mac users here and most of us will remain for at least the foreseeable future! As for whatever Wintel/Amd has to offer even if it was better (and that's a science fiction scenario :p) than our Macs even then we would not care... :mad:

According to open minded people like you we are dumb, biased, zealots, blah-blah and we should know better than we all MUST switch to the Dark Side... Yeah, sure! Keep waiting for that! :rolleyes:

As for OSNews even the dumb faks out there know that they are really a FlameNewsWar site and we do not care for whatever they post over there... Even for types like yourself who care you should know better! That article that you posted it is a bit old... Here is the new article (30-09-2003) about the REAL NEW PowerBooks here:
I know! It sucks! They actually fell in love with PowerBooks at that review... But what they know? After all, PowerBooks are expensive, heating up and they use a crappy OS which is called Mac OS X :rolleyes:

Anyways, this, with you VS us doesn't lead anywhere... Can't you for once NOT to post something Wintel/Amd related? Can you keep your views of computing world to the Mac field while here? We do not care about the Dark Side in our everyday lives! This place is called www.macosx.com... Can you read it clearly? Mac OS X and NOT Windows VS Mac OS or whatever! :mad: Let us be sheeps all while you are the best there is! :rolleyes:

Well, we may somewhat care about the Dark Side but only to make fun of them now and then but still NOT always! Plus, they give us the reasons to make fun of them SO easy :p

Hulk, you get so enraged by these trolling posts... stop feeding the trolls! :)
actually i think Hulk summed up the general feelings of the staff and members of this site very well. for the moment, i'm closing all these mac vs pc threads he has started and will leave open the ones where he is asking for help or just discussing apple. if he wants our help we'll freely give it to him, but if he just wants to rile us up, the party is over.
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