Simply Daemonic
Initial specs would be an e ink screen, touch and write capable.
It wouls have a built in option for a SIM card (for GSM 900/1900 and 3G networks to make it trully global.)
A small color camera like on EFC, built in mic, speaker and hands-free earpiece.
Expansionwise we could use dataplay discs. The size of a quarter is just perfect to it's size. It can be side loading like a slot machine. 500Mb should be enough to store voice and video recordings, and it should be enought to store addresses, e-mails, SMS, video and voice messages, and given the size of the dataplya discs one can carry em arround in your pocket
Also most SMS and telephones can also be stored in the SIM's memory and addressbook styff, date stuff, and programs can also be loaded on the global's internal flash RAM.
The OS will be loaded on a flashRAM as well so that it can be easier to localize and update when updates roll out.
I would also include some sort of portable non-wire networking technology that is compatible with airport and homeRF to link with pc/mac/unix machines for data exhange.
initial specs brought to you by
It wouls have a built in option for a SIM card (for GSM 900/1900 and 3G networks to make it trully global.)
A small color camera like on EFC, built in mic, speaker and hands-free earpiece.
Expansionwise we could use dataplay discs. The size of a quarter is just perfect to it's size. It can be side loading like a slot machine. 500Mb should be enough to store voice and video recordings, and it should be enought to store addresses, e-mails, SMS, video and voice messages, and given the size of the dataplya discs one can carry em arround in your pocket
Also most SMS and telephones can also be stored in the SIM's memory and addressbook styff, date stuff, and programs can also be loaded on the global's internal flash RAM.
The OS will be loaded on a flashRAM as well so that it can be easier to localize and update when updates roll out.
I would also include some sort of portable non-wire networking technology that is compatible with airport and homeRF to link with pc/mac/unix machines for data exhange.
initial specs brought to you by