Would you get a British Passport - test

I got 4/10, and I've never lived there. I basically tried to guess whatever made the most sense.

Nice avy, G!
I didn't know the answer to any of them. 1 out of ten. And that's okay. I got nothing to do in GB.
I got 6/10 and Im British. Who the f are Westlife anyway. ;)

You would also have to be pretty boring to know all those answers.

5/10 here. well, british pop culture isn't my thing. and I don't want a british passport :p
Britain is cool .. apart from food, weather, houses that have wind inside, the British people, and how they speak English ... :p
Hmm. 5/10, but I was guessing on all but the last (although I was pretty sure the first minister of the Welsh Assembly would have a Welsh name - four Welsh names and I would have had no clue).

I have a British passport. Good thing I don't have to take a test to renew it.
4/10. Oh well, seems okay. :)
And Gia: Any way of speaking English other than the Brits is 'strange'. Fix yours. :p
Nah, it's just exactly the same thing than Spanish! The Spanish don't speak it as well as Mexicans etc. (I wanted to say Argentines but thought about it again...).
Heh, good thing I never wanted to move there, I only got one right.

I think they threw that last question in as a pity question. :p
Only the Queen can proper speak Englind.

I think if you only get one or two right they send you to the Channel Islands.
Don't forget, its for citizenship it doesn't stop you visiting.

One thing they left out is that everyone has to wear matching rayon tracksuits and the women have to look like Kylie M.