Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!


cocoa love
Wow. That is all I have to say. This new version of AOL really kicks @$$. Kudos to AOL...


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It looks so nice, I think I might have to get it myself!!! Are there any bugs?? Also, what version is this?? 5.1?? 6.0??
after 4 years with 5.0 its about time, but i do got to say " good things come to those who wait"
To anyone from AOL Mac Dpt. : Damn nice job. :D
Um, well, while installing this new version of AOL, I saw the phrase "Installing Gecko browser..." So I don't know that it's Mozilla or what.... take it as you list.
From the look of the screenshot, it looks like the default browser is powered by Gecko (look at the form elements). I don't know if it's possible to just include the display engine from IE 5.x on the Mac.

Gecko would actually be perfect for AOL, since it's cross platform anyway.
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
die aol die and burn, the windows version sucks so if this one is better then i would laugh really hard

You don't seem to understand the significance of this, AOL could just reignite the browser wars by promoting a default browser engine that is based on standards instead of monopoly. In the long run, this is a good thing for everyone!

Yes, AOL sucks, but anyone who is promoting standards is OK in my book, until they try to take over the standards. Hmm.
check out this article ...

How's the performance on this AOL beta. So far, it looks cool.
yay! I thought that was a good sign! Yay for Gecko! I'm so gladd AOL (a huge company) is using a standards compliant browser. Thank God. and... just out of curiosity, what version of AOL for Windows will now have the Gecko engine?

I like the new interface elements, in general... blends in with Apple's aqua much much better.

HOWEVER... that toolbar takes up SO much space now! It used to be small and compact, even with icons, but now it's really huge! Fine for my PowerBook, but I hesitate to install this on my mother's Blueberry iBook with only 800X600 resolution. *sigh* Oh well.
Yeah, the toolbar is kinda huge, and it looks more XP than Aqua, but it is better than before.

Maybe this is a start of AOL versions for Mac and Windows keeping up with each other? And a new Mac AOL beta with new GUI and browser before the Windows counterpart, wow! This Apple relationship sure is paying off!!

Apple and AOL, sitting in a tree.
First comes love, then comes merger, then comes.. monopoly? LOL, I don't know. :rolleyes:

I'm just glad they're using Gecko, IE sucks and it's time somebody did something about it, and the #1 ISP (users, not service) is the PERFECT front to wage the browser wars on. Ya for Standards!
yea, AOL are the good guys:rolleyes:

and in other aol related news today, click here to read about aol's settlement for monoplistic practices.

naw, aol wouldn't do anything to try and control the internet like m$. never.:eek:

so let's all sign up for aol now that they have done something half decent for macs after all these years of treating us like sh*t. Be sure to type aol keyword 'sucker' when you get your shiny new account. I am pretty sure that link will have lots more pretty pics.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
hehe, Ed, I love the fact that you still hate AOL's actions, despite the fact that they did one nice thing for us. Makes me still have hope that there are rebels around here. ;)

btw, I myself, do not use the AOL software... I have a copy around just in case... you see, my parents have AOL accounts, and they are so tied to it, there's no way they're letting go... so anything that's good for AOL software means it's good for my parents, which means I get less questions like "Why isn't THIS loading?", which means I am annoyed less. This makes Adam happy.
I don't like AOL one bit, but I think this is a good thing for the internet. I also think that AOL is doing this strictly out of self-interest and not because of any altruistic reason.

Gecko *is* standards compliant which helps AOL by difussing Micro$haft's grip on internet standards. I'm sure that AOL would do what Micro$ucks is doing if they could. However, they can't. They are doing the next best thing which is to try to make sure Micro$tiff does not get too tight a grip around AOL's testes by turning HTML into MS-HTML. :D

In any case, having a large number of internet users using a standards-compliant browser can only be a good thing.

I'm glad AOL did this, but I have no illusions about their motives. I don't have to like AOL to like what they have done.