WoW in PowerBook


Please! i have a PBG4 667Mhz, Vram 32MB, 768MB Ram HD 60GB 5400 Rpm, works this game playable in this mac?
Minimum requirements according to said:
Mac OS X: 10.3
Mac OS Classic: Not Supported
CPU: G4 @ 1000 MHz
RAM: 512 MB
Hard Disk: 3000 MB
Graphics: 64 MB VRAM

I dare to say that it will not run on your Powerbook at all, or not really well. Sorry :(
I occasionaly run WoW through my Powerbook G4 867 Mhz, 640 MB SDRAM and haven't had a problem. I'm probably skimming the surface of playability though. It's set to the default video options. I haven't ran any tests, but it's probably not the greatest frame rate.

That said I still don't have any issues with content.