Wrappers for PCSC Lite


I am creating a shared library for a third party application. This application is created in a CFM(PEF) format and not able to communicate with my library.

Possible solution: User code warrior to compile the code for shared library.

This will introduce a new problem because my library need to to communicate to PCSC library that is part of Mac OS X and in mach O format.

Possible solution: Write wrappers for PCSC library.

I am a little confused as to how this is possible.
Do I compile the wrappers into a library 1st. ( in PEF format)

Does linking Carbon library into this wrapper library make it possible for it to communicate with both formats.

Do I then build my libraries linking to to the wrappers in PEF format?

Please help if anyone has any idea how this should be implemented.
