Writing Information Discs - Help?



I'm trying write an information disc on my iMac, but the discs won't show up. I can burn music CDs quite easily, since I can go through the iTunes 'Burn CD' command, but I can't find a way to burn a disk with computer files on it. Can anyone help?u_u;;
Presumeably you're using OS X. I assume you're using 10.2.3. Under normal circumstances, simply popping in a blank CD-R prompts the user to name the CD. Once named, the CD-R mounts as a blank volume. It can be renamed, and files can be dragged to/from it just as if it were a hard drive. When you are done copying files to the CD-R, simply click it and drag it to the burn icon. This is a little odd for some people because the trash can turns into the burn icon when you grab a non-yet-written CD-R in the Finder. Anyway, drag the CD-R to the burn icon and that's about that.

In early version of OS X (pre-10.1 I believe) there were problems burning CD-R's. In fact, I'm not sure it could even be done until 10.1, but I can't confirm this.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, it's working now. I had the preferances for blank CDs set to open iTunes. Makes sense since I normally only burn music CDs. Woopee.
Hi there,

I'm running 10.2.3 on my iMac 600. The burnng function has never worked within OSX (Even when I updated to 10.2). The CD mounts but when I drag the Icon to the trash to burn I get an error when the computer tries. I can burn discs within Toast titanium under 9.1 (sometimes get an error though).
Any ideas?

upgrade your toast to 5.2 and burn in 10.2.4. (yea, update the system while you're at it, 9.2.2 would help as well. :D )