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Hyo all,

I was just reading the Apple eNewsletter when I noticed the ad about the School-newsletter. Good idea was my first thought, so I read one and I realised Apple is focusing on the wrong parts in their campaign ... Imo

They are always going on about the 'Switches' by now everybody knows and recognizes. How people succesfully changed from PC to Mac. Jeej ... All good and that but where is the 'How to' for people to look at. They did it, but how did they do it?? And not just transport files, how do I make things look like Windows so my friends can use it too (e.g. documents). How about launching a program that allows people (who want to make the switch) to be followed by a Mac user who knows his way around a PC too. This of course would require an enormous manpower, but just let Mac users that have been a long time do it, surely most of you know how to use a PC correctly ...

Just my two cents ... Any suggestions or comments?

Originally posted by anerki
All good and that but where is the 'How to' for people to look at. They did it, but how did they do it?? And not just transport files, how do I make things look like Windows so my friends can use it too (e.g. documents).

Let me get this straight -- you'd like to see the Mac OS resemble and work similarly to the Windows OS?
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Let me get this straight -- you'd like to see the Mac OS resemble and work similarly to the Windows OS?

No, I would like a How To that allows former PC users to transform ALL of their files (including media, attachments if necessary, ...) so a PC user won't have any trouble (at all) using them. For us this seems trivial and even childlike in teaching but for a PC user it's not. There's no such thing as saving a file under a Word 4.0 file for example ...
Originally posted by anerki
No, I would like a How To that allows former PC users to transform ALL of their files (including media, attachments if necessary, ...) so a PC user won't have any trouble (at all) using them. For us this seems trivial and even childlike in teaching but for a PC user it's not. There's no such thing as saving a file under a Word 4.0 file for example ...

If you're still using Word 4.0, it might be time to upgrade. :p As long as they're using the same programs on both platforms, Office, Photoshop, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, etc, they shouldn't have a problem.

What are you having trouble opening up?
Originally posted by itanium
If you're still using Word 4.0, it might be time to upgrade. :p As long as they're using the same programs on both platforms, Office, Photoshop, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, etc, they shouldn't have a problem.

What are you having trouble opening up?

None, but most PC users are not using the newest version of Office, Word, etc ... Even Works, StarOffice are widely used, now while I don't think StarOffice would make any problems of different file formats, older MS apps will ...