WSJ Article: Minority Report Inspires Technology


In the Marketplace section of the Wall Street Journal today there is an article titled: 'Minority Report Inspires Technology Aimed at Military. They are developing technology to use your hands to navigate the computer rather than a keyboard and mouse.

After looking closely at the picture it looks like there are 3 circles in the top left of the white bar of the two windows. I'm thinking.....Mac OS 10.

Take a look below, what you think? Could they be using Mac OS 10 to develop this technology?


WSJ: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Vol. CCXLV No. 71, Section B1
That movie was on the other night dixonbm & I must say that future isn't one I'd like to be a part of.Retina scans everywhere brrr!,them spiderbots sent shivers up my spine. Although the hand navigation of a computer would be cool.