WTB: Mac OS 9 CDs


has a mac beyond repair
I want OS 9 on a CD please. The last version made if possible (I believe 9.2.2???). Not looking to cough up more than $20 (and that includes shipping)....I dunno. Maybe more...I doubt it. Let me know if anyone can hook me up. Thanks.
I thought you could boot into OS 9 with the version included on the Software Restore CDs. At least, I used to be able to before I removed the OS 9 Disk Drivers.
However, UNIX is right, you can't boot into OS 9 with the new Powerbooks (of which yours is one)
Anyone: am I being stupid on this?
drunkmac said:
can you explain why i cant install OS 9 on my powerbook? Thanks.
Some kind of firmware update in the newer books and macs doesn't allow this anymore. Don'T ask me why, but Steve wanted this to happen.
Anyway, I could bet there are still some hacks for this..