WWDC predictions!

Oh, and there _are_ DVDs people tend to look over and over again: Music Video DVDs. Great concerts and the likes. Why not just start with music video singles? They'd be ~50 MB each in 'good enough' quality MPEG-4/AAC.
Yes, I do like watching music videos and downloading them. But, really, is that going to justify a, lets say, $400 vPod purchase, so you can watch music videos on a tiny screen?

Look at it this way, a more realistic price for a full fledged vPod would be like $500, in line with the top of the line iPod. Now, you could just buy a Windows subnotebook for that amount and have a 12" screen, or the like. Even at the rate prices are going, you'd think the iBook will slip to the sub $800 range, or the like.

I just think we're looking at a specialized market.

None of this, of course, means that I wouldn't run out and buy such a device, because, afterall, its an Apple, so its going to be cool! :)

BTW: not to be off topic, but is anyone here going to WWDC besides me? :)
Two pieces of information that were posted today are of interest. One is the approval of FireWire-less. ;) Correct me if I'm wrong, but Apple's always been a few months, or more, ahead on FireWire production, so maybe this will be in Tiger? Maybe well see an add-in card in the next buncha months? I don't know where development is, of course, but youe know it'd find its way into PowerBooks and PowerMacs for sure.

Also, according to Mac OS Rumors, IBM should have the 970FX chips up to 2.6GHz and then use the 975 to hit 3.0GHz in September, which makes sense.

I can wait until September! ;)
New Cinema Displays have been rumored for a while and I truly believe they may see the light this June. Although little details about the display are in the public domain, one thing is almost certain, they will be enclosed in some type of metallic enclosure.
Go3iverson said:
Yes, I do like watching music videos and downloading them. But, really, is that going to justify a, lets say, $400 vPod purchase, so you can watch music videos on a tiny screen?

Look at it this way, a more realistic price for a full fledged vPod would be like $500, in line with the top of the line iPod. Now, you could just buy a Windows subnotebook for that amount and have a 12" screen, or the like. Even at the rate prices are going, you'd think the iBook will slip to the sub $800 range, or the like.

I just think we're looking at a specialized market.

None of this, of course, means that I wouldn't run out and buy such a device, because, afterall, its an Apple, so its going to be cool! :)

BTW: not to be off topic, but is anyone here going to WWDC besides me? :)

I think the idea will be to be able to transport your favorite movies quickly and easily, and preview them on the device if you so desire. I would imagine that true viewing would still occur on a tv or monitor of some kind.
The iPod is great for displaing text and it would have to have a higher resolution screen in order to display pictures. I can see the addition of a color screen using a connector of some sort and connecting the screen to the iPod.
I think everybody is missing a important point. Didnt Jobs say when he announed iChat AV that windows had nothing like this but when they did, iChat would become compatable with it. Well msn supports web cams, and voice calls. I can't be the only mac user reduced to using msn becuase all my windows mates use msn, and I can't be the only one who is sick of not being able to use a webcam with it. How about iChat that lets us talk to people who are using msn. It already works with AOL, and it would mean microsoft wouldn't have to develope msn for mac any more which they haven't seemed very keen on
well he wasnt right there msn users (windoze 1s anyway) have been able to video confrence for ages! before ichat AV and as for msn messenger for Mac its a joke I actualy use msn messenger 6.2 using a windoze XP virtual PC and its still faster and more relable!!! :S (doesnt disconect every 2 mins) it also mean that I can have display pictures and moving emoticons i could if i wanted have voice conersations and video confrencing but as i dont have a mic or an isight (which i was planning on purchasing when they brough out a mac ersion which was video chat compatible) I cant at the moment! but if aple maid ichat compatible with msn (in 10.4) it would be GRRRREAAAATTT!!!
There might be an anouncement on delivering a 3.5Ghz 970fx system by the end of the year. And if that really happens, the megahethz gap will sieze to exsist.
jackdahi said:
There might be an anouncement on delivering a 3.5Ghz 970fx system by the end of the year. And if that really happens, the megahethz gap will sieze to exsist.

If they announced a 3.2GHz machine the gap wpuls sieze to exsist. Thats the fastest PC I can find out at the moment. Intel and others have slowed down the pace recently remember when the (2 GHz) G5 was announced last WWDC the fastest PC was 3.06 and now its only 3.2/3.5 not a big jump in nearly a year so if appl can keep bumping speeds for the moment then they will o dobt close the gap.
I think photographics will be the next fronteer & intergration before video, or we may see both symeltaneously. How much consumor quality video can you capture on 40+ GB? That's also why i believe there will be color screens, it's much easier to look at a 2" screen when taking a picture or recording video. How many handy cams digital cameras have a small screen like that? The new iPod will not be used as a video viewing device but mearly a capturing device to intergrate with iPhoto & iMovie for the future. its all about "iLife" the digital hub and its radical strategies.

Of course the quality wont be pro standards but effectivley consumer standards.

There may be third party devices partnering with apple to produce a lense or it may be built in to the new iPod itself.

This is where i see iPod standing out and becoming different from the iPod mini. The mini may play music if that's just what your into, but the top model iPod may be gearing up with more features. We always want more so we'll spend the extra few bucks, just for those extra features. one less device to carry on holidays, party's etc

And what about those rumors that apple was developing iPhoto for win? what happened there? mabey this has somthing to do with it.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see.
I would like to see a new iApp of some sort. And an update to all of the other iApps. An update to safari and some new hardware. "iNav"a new hardware product from Apple........?
claims the following for WWDC:

Mono PPC 975 To 2.2 GHz AGP 8x FSB 1.1 GHz Superdrive

Dual PPC 975 to 2.6 GHz PCI-Express train 16x FSB 1.3 GHz
Superdrive Extreme (double layer)

Dual PPC 975 to 3 GHz PCI-Express train 16x FSB 1.5 GHz
Superdrive Extreme (double layer)

Name of the French Site is Croquer dans la Pomme and apparently have a long history of nailing predictions on the nose.
I still don't think we'll see 3GHZ machines announced at WWDC, but I'll happily declare my ignorance if I'm wrong.

I think they'll top out at around 2.5 GHZ.

Jumping from 2-3 GHZ in a year is a huge leap. Kudos if they pull it off, but I'm playing it cautious.

p.s. Whatever their top end G5 is, I'm buying. I can't hold out any longer.


And how does Hypertransport 2/PCI-Extreme/PCI-Express play into this? Isn't PCI-Express an Intel thing? Wouldn't Apple want to move their own (or at least a standards-based) technology? Is PCI-Express standards-based? Is PCI-Extreme dead? Does Hypertransport overlap with PCI-Express or are they two totally different things?
3.2 GHz even. And no, I don't think Steve would even _dare_ to announce something less than 3 GHz (not counting the non-highend machines). ;-)
3.0ghz is a long shot but there is no reason for Apple to introduce anything less than 2.5ghz. If they fail to produce a 3ghz machine a lot of investors will be dissapointed. That would be the second time this year that Steve Jobs would fail to reach his goal. First the iTunes Music store 100m downloads and now a 3ghz machine.
jackdahi said:
3.0ghz is a long shot but there is no reason for Apple to introduce anything less than 2.5ghz. If they fail to produce a 3ghz machine a lot of investors will be dissapointed. That would be the second time this year that Steve Jobs would fail to reach his goal. First the iTunes Music store 100m downloads and now a 3ghz machine.

Well, Steve did not promise a 100m. He said the target was 100m, and obviously expected the Pepsi promo to do better, but Pepsi screwed up on the availability and distribution.

However, if he fails to get 3ghz, then this would be realy bad.