X-Lite 3.0 and OS X 10.5.4


Has/Is anyone using this program? I am having problems. I installed it and it worked fine, but then I enter my info, and now it gets a 408 error on it. After that when I start to click around X-Lite, it goes to the beach ball of death.

Is there something that I am missing? And if this is not compatible with Leopard, does anyone know of one that it compatible? Thank you.
Have you tried contacting CounterPath Corporation about the compatibility with Leopard?


From the looks of it on the website and the manual for X-Lite, it looks as though the Mac OS X port was an afterthought and hence is not very stable (probably due to poor coding IMO). The documentation still has no mention of Macintosh system requirements, and the website fails to specify if it's supported on either PowerPC or Intel Macs....just that it supports 10.4 (no mention of Leopard).