X Stable??

did you format your drive as UFS? i made that mistake the first time i installed osx and it slows things down a lot and causes certain applications to fail
launch disk utility and select the drive. it will tell you what file system you have in the info tab.

I want to second what PowerMac mentioned. Check to make sure you weren't supposed to make a firmware update before installing OS X. There should be info on you OS X system discs.

f the disk utility. Just select the disk in the Finder and hit Apple-I. Format is one of the pieces of info supplied when you get info on a volume.

I've been running OS X including 10.2.4 on a G3 233 Wallstreet, and a 233 iMac. They both run wuite well, although the laptop is a little flaky sometimes, and needs a new power management board. I did have one hell of a time getting 10.2 to install cleanly on both of them. I think you just got a bum install.

That's someplace that I think Apple has been lacking, they don't have a good check up program to see if any of your normal files got randomly corrupted. They have a permissions fixer thing which is cool, but they don't have a screwy file detector / fixer. Even though it sounds bogud and windowsy, I'd recommend a reinstall of the OS. This is clean enough. It will retain any applications it doesn't understand, and archive your old user's stuff so that you can drag that back in place as needed.

That's my $0.02.
I'm an aussie too, and I've found that the Apple stores here, while they cost about 10-20% more for the RAM, at least they gaurantee it.
You can try your local computer shop, but make sure they provide some sort of warranty. There's also chains like Harvey Norman, Dick Smith and so on, but these aren't really as good as going to a specialist.
OS X is more stable than OS 9 in some ways, and less in others. OS X reminds me of Win NT (which is loosely based on VMS). When I was an NT admin, I had some NT systems that never crashed--I mean never. Apps would occasionally die, but I never saw BSOD. I had other systems that crashed repeatedly and kept requiring clean installs of the OS.

OS 9 crashed a lot--fact of life. But I found that the crashes were unpredictable and not likely to recur in the same fashion. I've had four different Macs running OS X and found that a crash will keep occurring if the cause of it isn't fixed. OS X is picky, picky, picky about hardware and software configuration.

We had an iMac 333 that ran OS 9 for a couple years with the usual amount of crashing. We couldn't install X on it without a fatal crash. A Mac repair shop finally did install X, but only by replacing the iMac's processor card! It was defective all along, but who knew?

We have a PB 867 that came with X installed. It was stable. Until we installed the QT 6.01 update. It made almost every Apple app crash. We had to do a clean install, fix permissions, remove preferences, etc, etc, I can't remember all of it! There always seems to be some app that isn't working on this computer.

On the other hand, our iMac 500 runs OS X without a hitch and always has. The same QT update caused no problems.

OS X apps are, unfortuneately, more like Windows apps. They are modular and install pieces of themselves in various places. Safari broke your IE install, probably because it replaced some libraries that IE uses. And yet, Safari didn't break most users' IE just like QT only caused problems for some users.

I don't pretend to understand it. We've called Apple--if they understand it, those people aren't answering the phones.

BTW, have you tried using a different keyboard? Another Apple KB? A 3rd party KB?