ITz The MaN
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What is the best way to use X windows on os X, and how can I get it on my machine?! And once I do get it, can I use X windows programs compiled for Intel or do I have to recompile them for my PPC?
Originally posted by mcreiss
Can XFree86 be installed over Xtools without damage ?
Originally posted by zpincus
What do you think the chances of getting Aqua forwarding a la X11 are? That would be really useful for the server market, and would be good even if a OS X VNC server comes out.
I think that as is, the lack of a DISPLAY variable for OS X and Aqua (and the related coolness that you can exploit with this) will prove to be a shortcoming.
Any thoughts? Is this something that people would really use (ie. worth nagging Apple about?)
Originally posted by scruffy
Since I have two monitors, this might not be a problem. Do you know if I could just hand XFree one monitor, and leave Quartz running on the other?
Granted, things like cut & paste between the two would be broken, but then that's pretty much broken in X by default, isn't it...