X11 has been working nicely with OS 10.4.5 until I started it this evening. When I click on X11 it starts to run, the X symbol appears but then vanishes when I move the mouse. I have lost GIMP, ssh and consequently the applications in my Linux box on my network.
I have deleted my X11 and reinstalled but same problem. Can't find any log files with relevant error messages. Anyone any ideas please?
I have been using Apple only a couple of months due to lack of hardware support in Linux, but unlike Linux, Apple seems to dump me into holes I can't dig myself out of.
I have deleted my X11 and reinstalled but same problem. Can't find any log files with relevant error messages. Anyone any ideas please?
I have been using Apple only a couple of months due to lack of hardware support in Linux, but unlike Linux, Apple seems to dump me into holes I can't dig myself out of.