X11 suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason


X11 has been working nicely with OS 10.4.5 until I started it this evening. When I click on X11 it starts to run, the X symbol appears but then vanishes when I move the mouse. I have lost GIMP, ssh and consequently the applications in my Linux box on my network.

I have deleted my X11 and reinstalled but same problem. Can't find any log files with relevant error messages. Anyone any ideas please?

I have been using Apple only a couple of months due to lack of hardware support in Linux, but unlike Linux, Apple seems to dump me into holes I can't dig myself out of.
If you can find the log for X11, it should contain information regarding any problems it's having when it starts.

I don't know where the log is in OS X, unfortunately. :(

I deleted a file called .xinitrc and it worked. Trouble was I haven't worked out how to find hidden files on the Mac so had to do secure shell from my Linux box on the network. Is the moral that every computer should be accessible from a Linux box?
The "ls -la" command should display hidden files, which will be prefixed with a period, as in ".xinitrc", along with everything else in a listing with permissions, etc.

Too bad you deleted the .xinitrc file since it would have been good to know what was in that file that caused your problem.

Oh well, you're up now. :)

Thanks for info.

I made a copy of .xinitrc first and renamed it so still have it. It had just one line

xhost +
Thanks for posting it. :)

That doesn't look safe at all. You can read about the xhost command here. The version that comes with OS X might have different functionality but if it doesn't that command basically opens up your X server to receive requests from anyone. Not cool.

More importantly, I think your .xinitrc file was missing a TON of stuff. You can see a sample .xinitrc in this thread.
