XBox and Airport


Flaccid Member
Just got an Xbox with Xbox Live which connects to my network via ethernet. I need to set it up far away from where my internet connection (cable) come into the house and was wondering if there is some way I can get this baby to work with Airport. I have an Airport ready iBook and in a perfect world I would just plug an ethernet cable from my iBook to my Xbox and it would work. However this isn't a perfect world, so I didn't even waste my time trying this fantasy connection. Is there a way I can do this, or am I doomed to run 100 ft. of ethernet cable to play on my big screen?
If you already have a wireless base station(Airport, Linksys, SMC, etc) or if you're running the Airport software router on your iBook, you can use a device called a bridge. One I know of is the Linkysys WET11 which is a wireless(802.11b) to ethernet bridge. I don't have experience with it myself, but it should work for what you want to do.
All you would need to do with it is run the CAT5 from your XBox to the WET11 and your XBox would think it's on a wired network.
I ended up just getting a bridge to make mine work, but I still think this is possible. Try connecting to the laptop with ethernet then sharing your connection (via ethernet) to the xbox.