xbox live gamertag post yours here

fryke said:
Is this an xbox forum?
Wow, fryke, that's some gamertag! ;)

Only kidding... I actually thought this was posted in the Café, but I guess not... grounds to move it?

On a side-note, I don't have a 360 yet either -- kinda interested in this mega-expensive PS3 coming out... gotta compare before the decision is made.
Well, we just bought a GameCube for my son. He loves Super Mario Sunshine and we're both having a blast with Super Smash Brothers. I know there's a Smash Brothers with a soccer theme (I believe it's actually called Super Smash Brothers Soccer or something like that :p). That's the next one to purchase. :)

Anyways, I remember hearing something about a week or two ago that the XBOX 360s were going to be upgraded with a newer Xenon CPU (probably a smaller die) that's much cooler than the previous version. They also talked about there being an upgrade to the system bus as well. This revision was supposed to be sometime during the summer so we might invest in one maybe in August-September....that's if I don't get me a nice MacBook/MacBook Pro. ;)
As far as the PS-3-years-from-now :p, the last I heard was that they're having issues with Cell. Because of this, they are looking at possibly releasing before the end of the year but they're coming short on time now. On TWiT, the gang jokingly said that the PS3 would be out sometime before Vista was released. ::ha::