Find a golden apple.
Hmm... There is starting to be a little hype growing about this xda and the up & coming xPhone though it utilises a windows like operating system. Will this mean that a windows os in advanced mobile deveices be the dominent player even before Apple jumps on? or will Apple decide to jump on this band wagon with a mini OS X like phone/pda to swing users over to os x/mac.
The iPod has made a huge impact. People believe apple products are really high quality, which they are. but there is also surly a growing market where people need a little tease of OS X before they buy a system. A nice inevitable transition to OS X/Apple.
The iPod has made a huge impact. People believe apple products are really high quality, which they are. but there is also surly a growing market where people need a little tease of OS X before they buy a system. A nice inevitable transition to OS X/Apple.