XDarwin before fink


This may sound like a stupid question, but is there any problems with installing Fink after installing XDarwin? XDarwin installs and runs smoothly, but after running the install for Fink and putting the command in my .cshrc file to run the script to set my path, the terminal doesnt recognize the "fink" command. I've tried going to the sw/bin directory, and the command is still unrecognizable. Anyone else run into this? I'm also a UNIX newbie of sorts, if anyone has any suggestion of how to set my path manually I'm all ears.

fink and XDarwin are completely unrelated, save for that XDarwin is a package in fink. One does not need the other, and one does not effect the other.

have you tried running /sw/bin/fink the full path to the file?

Not sure how to solve your problem, but if you've installed XDarwin before Fink, you may end up with another one.

To avoid it, make sure you install the XFree86 placeholder package in Fink before you install anything that relies on XFree86 being installed or it will barf on the dependency check and try to install its own XFree86 overtop your XDarwin install and it will really mess things up.

I always install XDarwin (XFree86-root) from Fink then OroborOSX after that.

It works great.
