I've been able to use SAMBA to access my PowerBook 10.2.2. Is there a way without DAVE to fully access my iMac 10.1.4 from an XP machine over my home network?
I mean use the hard disk, the cd drive, the external zip, and maybe the printer attached. Using the terminal on my powerbook 10.2, you showed me how to access the powerbook from the XP Box (thanks). Can this be done with 10.1?
Don't think so. Before 10.2, Dave was the only way to "fully access" a Mac... although, if you look search the forums, you can find a way to access all of the hard disk through ftp in 10.1
Samba is running in 10.1.x (I would suggest 10.1.5 if you don't want to jump to 10.2 yet). It's just that you can't browse samba connections.
Try Smbbrowse and SambaX, two free programs you can get from the Versiontracker website (www.versiontracker.com). SmbBrowse allows you to see other machines. SambaX (which I have not used myself) apparently allows the Windows machine to see your Mac. Neither feature is native to 10.1.x.