So I'm not completely sure of the entire feature set as it was released. But something in the back of my mind tells me that InDesign might be able to do this natively. Only way to find out would be to email Adobe I guess ... but there is a LOT in InDesign that Quark needs extra extentions (read: more $) to do (i.e. drop shadows), plus some neato transparency tricks that really make design work a breeze. Instead of having to composite everything in photoshop and then import it to InDesign only to find out that its not quite right, having to go back to Photoshop, etc., you can do a lot of it right in InDesign.
I'm waiting for Adobe to build a computer. Mac-based of course, but it would install a dual-boot thing where you boot into the AdobeOS, where all those separate apps are just part of the GUI and the entire interface is designed around doing design work. I mean, how great would it be for the OS to automatically copy any externally linked file to /user/project_name/graphics automatically? Disk utilities would also scan for broken/missing/updated links in your documents ... the desktop would just BE photoshop ... *drool*
now i'm getting way ahead of myself.