

Does anyone know of a BSD+XDarwin port of xroach? How about Carbon or Cocoa?

Alternatively, is there a brave UNIX programmer out there that can walk this community through the porting/rehashing/recompiling/makeing (sic)/whatever of the source code? It's only 14k, so it can't be TOO much trouble. I've got the source code and will gladly e-mail it to anyone who wants it.
It's really easy to compile,
cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11
The problems are that you need to run XDarwin in take over the screen mode, not rootless, and those roaches move way fast...
It didn't like the -o option.


Welcome to Darwin!
[prompt]% cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11

OK? wc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11? yes
wc: illegal option -- o
usage: wc [-clw] [files]
Never mind (I think). I'm downloading the ~220MB disk image of the December '01 Developer Tools right now. Getting ~260KB/second, too!
blb: sorry, I missed this before. As a linguist, I must request that you never, ever, ever use the phrase "It's really easy to compile" ever again; it's never true.


Welcome to Darwin!
[***-**-**-***-23:~] [username]% cd ~/desktop/xroach
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]% ls
Imakefile roach045.xbm roach195.xbm roach345.xbm
Makefile roach060.xbm roach210.xbm roachmap.h
Makefile.solaris roach075.xbm roach225.xbm squish.xbm
README roach090.xbm roach240.xbm xroach-4.0.lsm
README.solaris roach105.xbm roach255.xbm xroach-4.0.spec
patchlevel.h roach120.xbm roach270.xbm xroach.1
pkginfo roach135.xbm roach285.xbm xroach.c
roach000.xbm roach150.xbm roach300.xbm
roach015.xbm roach165.xbm roach315.xbm
roach030.xbm roach180.xbm roach330.xbm
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]%
cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]% cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11
xroach.c:32: header file 'malloc.h' not found
cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in basic mode
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]%
True -- I forget these things, since I have had so little problems with beta software on the Mac (knock on anything)...
lethe: I keyed that in and it seemed to take.

blb: I reran your command line and got partial success; everything but arguments 9 and 12 appears to have installed OK. These two had an "incompatible pointer type," whatever that means. Does anyone know how to get this thing going, now that it appears to have been installed? From what I understand, the compiler line that blb supplied specifies that


be typed in at the command line to initiate the program, but the line you want to use is

xroach -squish

which lets you squish the little guys with a click. Neither of these did anything, tho'. Furthermore, Sherlock finds no files under search string "xroach" which are not part of the original tarball I downloaded from Debian's site (yes, I downloaded the binary). I don't think it was installed at all.
If anyone is interested in installing xroach, here are the steps:

***Note: these instructions would not be possible without the assistance of nkuvu. Thanks, nkuvu!***

1. Install XFree86. I used XDarwin, but XTools or any of the other X-windows solutions for OS X should work fine.

2. Download and decompress the xroach-4.0 tarball binary from Debian's web site.

3. Type in the command line supplied by lethe in post above. Thanks, lethe!

4. Type in blb's compiling instructions above. Thanks, blb!

You can now run xroach from the folder which was created when you decompressed the tarball. Move this file to a permanent home (mine is in /Applications) and create a symbolic link in your /usr/local/bin folder by typing in the following command lines (these instructions assume that the folder which contains the xroach executible is in a folder called xroach-4.0 which you've moved to /Applications; make changes to fit your installation):

cd /usr/local/bin [hit return]

ln -s xroach /Applications/xroach-4.0/xroach [hit return]

You will now be able to run xroach (don't forget to add the -squish option!) directly from the command line available under XDarwin or whichever implementation of X-windows you choose!

If there are any questions or problems relating to this post, feel free to post below; I will clarify as needed. Share and enjoy!
Originally posted by chenly
blb: sorry, I missed this before. As a linguist, I must request that you never, ever, ever use the phrase "It's really easy to compile" ever again; it's never true.
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]%
cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]% cc -o xroach xroach.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include -lX11
xroach.c:32: header file 'malloc.h' not found
cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in basic mode
[***-**-**-***-23:~/desktop/xroach] [username]%
Oops, sorry about that; I've gotten to the point where I don't even think about malloc.h errors, and my fingers just automatically remove that include line...

Originally posted by chenly
Does anyone know how to get this thing going, now that it appears to have been installed?
If all you ran was the cc command, than using
./xroach -squish
should run it; be sure to have XDarwin up and running first, and in full-screen mode.
./xroach, with or without -squish, would indeed run the program, but only if you changed the working directory to ~/desktop/xroach-4.0, the folder created when I decompressed the original tarball; in my infite wisdom, I managed to install the program there. As noted above, I moved that folder to /Applications, then created a symbolic link to /Applications/xroach-4.0/xroach in /usr/local/bin; now, when XDarwin is running in full-screen mode, I can just type xroach -squish at the command line.

I learned a lot about UNIX applications with this little project; if anyone has any problem with the instructions I posted above, just post below. Share and enjoy!