xserve and 10.3


I'm relieved from finally setting up the xserve (dual g4) for web developing. Not becuase it was difficult, but because those things are LOUD!

I noticed that 10.3 came with both apache 1.3 and 2.x installed, but by default 1.3 was running. In the server admin, I have the option of starting it or stopping it. My question is, how do you switch over to apache 2 using server admin? I can of course run it manually but I'd like to have everything tied in with the gui.

Along with that, everything works beautifully... very fast!!! :D

I am sure it could be done, I am sure I myself could probably do it but it isn't necessary. Apache 1.3.2x is fine for anything you could be developing. Apache 2.x.x isn't really ready for prime time and that is why Apple hasn't included it in their Server system.

Keep that in mind.

If you want to use Apache2, check out iTools from Tenon (www.tenon.com)
They have a very easy to use, admin package for administering Web, Mail, DNS, FTP, etc on OSX. Otherwise, do as Yoshi said and stick with 1.3. Its still most widely used by pro server companies.