Xserve will not remember link ?


Dear All,

We are experiencing some strange behavior when dealing with Adobe Illustrator CS2 document on Xserve running Mac OS X 10.4.10 and 10.4.9

We build our artwork via Xserver. It seem that Adobe Illustrator CS2 will not "remember" or "see" the linked images if the file is open up on another workstation, it will eventually report missing link. Adobe Illustrator will only "remember" and "see" the linked images on the workstation that is used to build the artwork.

The strange things is that this problem will not happen on a Microsoft Windows based server running ExtremeZ-IP. Meaning that any Illustrator file created anywhere via the server will not have missing link when open up anywhere using any workstation.

Please help. Does it have anything to do with server access right or other server settings? The permission is set to Read & Wright. It should be alright.

Any thought is very appreciated.

Thanks and regards,
Dear All,

Please help. Does it have anything to do with server access right or other server settings? The permission is set to Read & Wright. It should be alright.

Although I am not sure, it might be a problem of having no WRITE access to the file, which is reported as a missing link.

If the other closes the file and you can access it again, i can think of almost nothing else what could cause something like this, but i have no experience, so my though may be limited.

Good luck, Kees
Thanks for the reply,

The write access and permission seem to be ok.

When some else opens a file, the rights are temprorary changed to read-only. This to prevent that 2 users open the same file and both make changes. In such a case the user which saves the lst revision will invalidate all previous changes by the other user.

This is not a repairable permission. This also correspond with your problem as you only have problems when the file is in use by some else.

Good luck, Kees
Thanks Kees,

But we do not have 2 person opening the same file at the same time. The 1st revision was made by someone else and save it on the server. 2 hours later, someone else in another room opens them and found that all the link were missing. This problem was than report back to the 1st person who made the file, but it seem ok to the person who made it.

After some investigation, we found that this will easily happen to Apple Xserve (or something to do with Mac OS). This kind of problem will not happen if you are running a Windows based server.

Dear All,

How to set Xserve sharing to "Inherit from parent" ?
The current setting gray out, it does not allow me to change the setting.