Xwindows s/w: running Darwin apps on Windows?


Everything I've been reading regarding Xwindows has been about how to run Win apps on OS X. What I want to do is to run Darwin apps remotely on a PC. This is probably easy, since it's done all the time with workstations running UNIX. Will these packages work with Darwin/OS X? Please note that I am talking about more than just ssh - I need to access graphics (e.g. Matlab) from my PC.

Can someone direct me to such s/w? Is any of it free?


If you have an X server running on your mac, you could probably shell into your mac and run X windows apps (e.g., gimp) from a remote client, but you couldn't run regular Carbon or Cocoa mac applications. They would have to be hosted in the X11 environment in order to be served across a network.

If you just want to remote control your mac, there are probably programs that do this (I'm speculating), but I don't think X will help you.