yaaawwwnn...installing fink

There was no xfree86-rootless-whatever.patch and .info's under unstable/main/finkinfo/x11-system?

Yeah, fink fetch-missing would take a long time, since it downloads the sourcecode for every possible package available. I have a cable-modem, and I haven't even dared try that one.
I was working on a pretty long post about this, but Mozilla crashed, so this'll be a bit shorter. Basically, the source files have disappeared from AfterStep.org. I seem to remember there was a precompiled binary on www.versiontracker.com if you really want it. I tried to find the source files somewhere else, but Google came up with squat. If you'd like to use Fink to deal with it, you might also try typing fink describe afterstep and contacting the package maintainer for it. In that case, just remember that all of the people who work on Fink do it in their free time, so you can't expect immediate results.
Hmm ok ..
I will oook at versiontracker.
I am i the process now of installing enlightenment.

ANy idea why I cant find rootless ? :confused:
Honestly, I'm not sure. Try typing

find /sw/fink/dists/ | grep "rootless"

and see if anything comes up (I'm assuming you installed Fink under /sw. Again if worse comes to worse, you can get it from http://www.mrcla.com/XonX/ without any problems (it's what I'm using).
Forget all that CLI muxoring about looking for package info! go to fink.sourceforge.net and click Packages and click X11-system and there is xfree86-rootless...
Izvinite komrad, ya ne znaiyou :p

Oups! Sorry :p
I did go to fink.sourceforge before all this :p
I did find teh rootless, jsut couldnt find how to download it :p

** Gadzooks! Enlightenment takes FOREVER to install :p**

It does seem to be worth it though. I just recently tried Enlightenment again after not having done so for a while. I've been letting Fink update it when it wants to, so it's up to date. It's pretty impressive.
OK, thus far this is what I have installed
(24 hours using ONLY OS X he he :p It was an interesting experience ;) )

* xfree86-base
* xfree86-server
* enlightement
* afterstep -- from versiontracker.

I am getting errors that afterstep cant start the display when I type afterstep at the terminal ....

Also how the heck to I start using enlightement ? Is there some sort of command ? lol ... I am WM retarded he he.

I have one more thing to download and install and that is xfree86-rootless, if and only if I can find it.

If you type fink describe enlightenment, you get the following (this is a really useful tool for any Fink package that has a description, really):

enlightenment-0.16.5-6: Themeable, featureful window manager
Usage Notes:
If you want to use Enlightenment as a stand-alone desktop environment
(i.e. without GNOME), you can run 'enlightenment.install' to create
appropriate X11 startup files (.xsession / .xinitrc).
To use Enlightenment with GNOME, leave .xinitrc alone and instead
select it in the Window Manager panel of the GNOME Control Center.
Web site: http://www.enlightenment.org/
Packaging Notes:
Maintainer: Christoph Pfisterer <######@#####.###########.###>

So you just need to deside how you want to use Enlightenment.

P.S. You don't start AfterStep via the terminal. You need to have an .xinitrc file that exec's it. I'll post an example one sometime soon.
Who is da man ?!
Well I will save you some time and tell you :p
Its me lol...

Ok this is what was going wrong with rootless.
The files I found in my unstable directory did not have a .patch or a .info extension, THUS fink was not seeing them! (jeez fink is dumb :p)...
Anyway, I figured out from the content of the files which one was which and renamed them (from the terminal doing SUDO. For some reason those files are owned by the system and are in teh admin group, and cant do anything to them from the finder! This sucks! I am teh damn admin lol... even though I have enabled root from netinfo I still dont seem to get ALL privilidges in my regular account)

Anyway, the download is 50MB about which translates to 5 hours. Cant do it today, perhaps tomorrow. One thing that I would like from fink are resumable downloads which currently it doesnt seem to have.

I have not gotten afterstep to work.. I will probably be working on that afte my exams (next week....)

They did not have any extensions :p
Oh well...

I plan on spending more of my free time in OS X after exams and all to do installations and more customizations ;)