YD 3.0 Package Installer


I just installed YD 3.0 today on my G4 MDD tower. One thing that I can't find is the default packager. I don't see it in the task menu at all. Can anyone tell me where to find it, I need to install gcc and g++. Thanks in advance for any help!!

I can not tell you where the GUI frontend to RPM is; if it exists. I can tell you that you can run RPM (as root) in a terminal.

Let's say that you want to install foo. Examine your disks or whatever to find foo-1.1-1.ppc.rpm or something like that. Then you can type

rpm -i -v [path]/foo-1.1-1.ppc.rpm

And that should do it. No gcc? if you installed as a workstation, and not as a desktop (assuming you went with the defaults on the install) you should have it already. Try typing

which gcc

to see what you get. Hope this helped.