wow, 1.4g is way faster!
what ever happened to kids listining to teachers? when i whent to school , if a teacher said they didn't want to see my cd player during class, or they'd take it, i left it in my pocket or bag till class was over. i think we need to be teaching the kids to make good decisions for them selfs, not making it for them. the world is a sad place because we can't even dissapin our kids for fear of 'child adbuse'. the kids have us in the palm of their hands and they know it too! teachers can't slap them on the hand, or even take ipods away for the whole year ( both were things they could do when i was a kid, well, not the ipod because they weren't out yet, but whatever i brought that the teacher told me not to they would take). and parents get mad at the teacher, instead of the kid. every thing is way backwards. i hate to see what the world will be like in 20-30 yrs when these kids are in control and find out that life is really hard and doesn't go their way, most won't be able to handle it.
well, time to end my rant and get off the soapbox
well, time to end my rant and get off the soapbox