Yet another 'simple' local network question.


My Mac has the Bonjour name 'server.local' and running on it is a process listening on port 8080. I have instructed my router to forward port 8080 to server.local, and it works nicely.

$ nc -vz server.local 80
Connection to server.local port 80 [tcp/http] succeeded!

$ nc -vz server.local 8080
nc: connectx to server.local port 8080 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to server.local port 8080 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
Connection to server.local port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] succeeded!

Although I don't know why it refuses twice before succeeding. But, over on a Bonjour-aware Linux box ...

$ nc -vz server.local 80
Connection to server.local 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!

$ nc -vz server.local 8080
nc: connect to server.local port 8080 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

No 2nd or 3rd tries. All I want to do is point a Linux browser at http://server.local:8080, but I get no cooperation. By the way, Safari on my iPad also refuses to connect to 8080 but 80 is OK.

What's missing?
Some extra info ...

The process is XAMPP-VM (, a virtual machine that configures itself with a unique IP network and bridges into the host’s network. My LAN is 10.0.101.* and the VM is 192.168.64.*. The VM runs Apache inside itself to handle HTTP requests. The rationale is to provide an isolated (mostly) development environment in which to build websites and such. It works and works well - on the host machine.

I would like to sit at my iPad in another room and tinker with site building using just Safari, but I can’t get to the VM.